I’ve Been Trying to Get Past a Gatekeeper for Months. Any Suggestions?

Recently I received an email from one of my newsletter subscribers, asking if I had any tips on getting past gatekeepers and getting through to the actual prospect.

I’ve copied my reply with the original question below for those who come against the same hurdles and roadblocks on a regular basis.

Hope you find it useful.

Hi Chris

I have been trying, without success using various tactics, to get past a gatekeeper for the past two months.

I have the opportunity to cold call their office later this week as it is near to an existing client I will be meeting.

Any suggestions on the approach I should take?

Best regards,


My reply

Hi Andy

This might not be the short term answer you’re looking for, but try this method for by-passing gatekeepers altogether using Linked-in

=> Go to Linkedin

=> At the top right there is a menu (it probably says “people” at the moment) click on it and scroll to “companies”

=> Put in the name of the company you need and click

=> Scroll down through the employees who work there until you find the one who you need to speak with

=> Take a look at their profile and then the groups they belong to

=> Join one of those groups

=> As a fellow group member invite them to connect by copy and pasting the message below (which you can now do directly as you are a fellow group member)

Hi (Name)

Always looking to connect with interesting fellow group members and I’d be delighted if you’d allow me to join your network

If not please just press Archive.

Best regards

Your Name

=> Don’t try to sell to them straight away (you’ll scare them off) and don’t request an appointment immediately (they’ll feel used)

You could however follow up after a connection with this copy and paste masterpiece;

Hi (Name)

Thanks for allowing me to join your network

If you have a moment please feel free to take a look at my profile page and the (Your Company) website – we specialise in (Your Speciality) for the (Your Industry).

Actually, with that in mind, is there anything specific I can do for you or your business right now?

If there is, or you know of anybody who could use our services, just drop me a line.

In the meantime, if I can personally be of any further assistance in any way, please do not hesitate to give me a call on (Your Telephone Number).

Thanks again for the connection,

Best regards,

Your Name”

Which at least gives you the opportunity to give them a call and ask if they received the message.

There’s also a blog post on the subject with another template which you can find here

Hope you find them useful – let me know how you get on

Best regards


PS – My new book The Extremely Successful Salesman’s Club is getting rave reviews – including one from Best Selling Author Lee B Salz – if you click on the book title above you can download the first 4 chapters for free

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This year, I want to help you and your sales team become more successful than they’ve ever been before – call my office now on 0844 293 9777 or request a call back by going to our Contact Page HERE.

You and I can work out a sales training programme that suits your requirements perfectly – foundation level sales training, field sales training, account management training, selling value over price, FMCG sales training, customer service training, whatever it might be – but it’s a big old world out there and if you don’t take two minutes to invite me over, I may never know you need me.

We create bespoke sales training days from as little as £228 per person, so give my office a call today and we can get a date in the diary to start working on tailoring something just for you.

Chris Murray

0844 293 9777

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Varda Kreuz Sales TrainingManchester, Leeds, Birmingham, Liverpool,


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2 responses to “I’ve Been Trying to Get Past a Gatekeeper for Months. Any Suggestions?

  1. I think the fact we still call and see the person working at front desk of a business as a Gatekeeper is part of the problem. When I started in sales thirty years ago I was called a salesman. I like to think we have all moved past that verbiage. Now we are called Marketing Assistants, Account Executives, Business Development Manager and Area or Territory Managers. That person you see at the front desk that you call a Gate Keeper is only a Gate Keeper if that is what you prefer to call and treat her or him like. I prefer Business Advocate. Instead of trying to sneak pass her or him bring some value to them help them becomes a advocate for your product or business. Change the way you think and you will change how successful you are. Everyone if given the chance wants to become part of the process. I have found one truth after all these years in sales, how well you treat people is what you normally get back. if you see them as a business advocate you remove the gate keeper mentality that we all have been taught for years.

    Ernest Lehti
    Sales Manager Arctic Chiller

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